As I announced on CDR yesterday myself and Dub Floyd decided to team up and take the illRoots Featured section to another level. This coming Monday, and every one following, at 11pm we will team up to present The Root Of All Evil. The Root Of All Evil consists of our interviews mixed with Dub Floyd's blends all packaged up nicely in a downloadable blend tape with original artwork each week. In order to set this off right we decided to bring in the man Sean Price for our debut episode. The great part about these segments are that we can take and curate what our interviewee wants to create. Case in point one of my questions to MegaSean was the following:
"You have been in a various groups but if you could create one group, of people that you aren't already in a group with, Who would they be? and What would the name of the group be? Mr. Price's answer was "The Best and it would have me, Ghost, Styles, and Beans".So with that being said we created that very song thanks to the best blend DJ out my man Dub Floyd. Each week you can expect great commentary mixed with great blends. After the jump catch a video of P!! speaking about his Wale line in, one of my favorites, "Figure Four", thanks to NahRight.