Review: Heartbeat Da Producer - Phantasmagoric
The underground music scene has been in question lately on how "underground" they actually are. I mean, some artists have a larger following then most mainstream artists. Well are boy Heartbeat is here to bring that real underground feel back and at the same time stay away from the cliche style that other "underground" artists have relied on lately, especially with his new album Phantasmagoric: SE. illRoots is here to give you the word on how dope Heartbeat is and how this album stacks up with the rest of the releases in 2007.The album pops off with with one of Heartbeats artists Realeyez Mystic sheding light on his Hip-Hop prospective. Its a dope way to start the album off. The sample can get alittle annoying if you were to replay it alot though. He nearly pulls it off, but when he flips it near the end, it exposed the drums alittle to much. This is How It Should Be Done is a nice anthem & a big improvement from the last track. The next one up is 'Let it Happen'. Heartbeat comes through beat-wise & Venomous doesn't disappoint either. One of my favorite beats on the album is the next one up 'Feel So Good'. I don't know why I like it so much, the sample is weird, but its weird done right. Everyone's favorite track 'The Crowd Pleaser' is one that will make people replay this album just to hear it again an again. This is production done right.
At this point in the album everyone should know what they came for, the beats. I mean don't get me wrong the rhymes are great, but this is vibin' music right here. 'Twisted' is the resident love song with innuendos and all. 'Who Really Cares' is the next one that caught my attention and it features the next big subject, the "Hip-Hop is on decline" subject, its done well with if I'm not mistaken, a Marvin Gaye sample. Next up is my favorite track 'The Love Pill'. If your reading this Heartbeat, we need an instrumental album man! The most unique thing on this album is the Spoken Word track, this is something that you rarely hear on albums and they pulled it off with 'Across the Room'. I think the only track that didn't fit right with me is 'Got My Money Right'. Even though Mar Var ripped the hell out of the beat, it just didn't fit with the main flow of the album to well. I do like the last track though 'Can I Live' its a pretty good cover song and it serves its purpose of closing the album out pretty well.
If I would have to compare Heartbeat to any other producer it would be 9th Wonder. He puts alot of Soul elements in his beats on this album. The album its self is produced wonderfully and reminds me of a Little Brother joint. It also flows really well for the most part and accomplishes something most new artist's haven't done lately with there albums, it actually has replay value.