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Dirty Harry is mu'fuckin back. His new tape Warlordz just dropped, and me being the blend fan I am, you know I had to get this shit asap. It starts off beautifully, mixing in some R.E.M., Black Republicans, and a speech from everyones favorite alien robot killing video game Gears of War. He officially starts it off with a Lil' Wayne mix, jacking some acapellas from Da Drought III. I don't know where/how he gets such exclusive ac's, but respect to him. Their probably DIY shits, but im to dumb to figure out how to make them :*(
Throughout the tape, DH mixes up the formula by having a 4 part series called Rap Figures scattered throughout. What he does here is blend up to 9 different artists over one beat, each spitting a few bars each. It's really ill, especially the 3rd part, which includes verses from 50 Cent, Prodigy, Nas, The Game, Jay-Z, Fabolous, Wayne & Papoose.
Harry also uses more acapellas that I would kill for. It seems he's got like all the Kingdom Come joints, which I haven't seen or heard blended anywhere. One of the iller tracks in my opinion is Umbrella (Passin Me By Mix), where he obviously blends the Umberella acapella by Rihanna and Jay over the classic Pharcyde track Passin Me By. He also throws Kanye on at the end. Dope. Another standout track would be Black Elephant Party, where you got The Game's Black Democrat freestyle and Jay's verse from Black Republicans on top of Rich Boy's Boy Looka Here. It's executed so dopely man. T.I.'s Big Shit Poppin is used over 2 beats laced on-top one another, Jay's Kingdom Come and Kanye's 2 Words. Reading this, you may be thinking "Why?" but trust, it came out dope. My other favorites are Haters On My Trail, Ironman Mix, Cocaine Makes Me Better and Return of The Mac, but really, everything is sick as hell.
One of the closure tracks is Mike Jones' My 64 on top of an old school west coast beat. I could be completely embarassing myself right now, but i'm not sure if it's a beat to anything :|. Anyway, Bun-B's verse goes on-top of it soooo smoothly.
All in all, this tape could be a classic off of the first 3 listens. Everything is done so dopely. If I wasn't such a nice guy, I could have written this entire review talking about how dope every track is, but i'll spare you from that redundancy. But for real, every track, and i mean EVERY track, is ill. There was only ONE part in the entire tape that bit me in the ass (NH), and that was early in the tape at Rap Figures I, where Get Buck by Young Buck is way off beat. I'm probably just trying to find something negative to say, but it's like a 10 second part so fuck it. This shit is a 5 stereo classic as far as i'm concerned.