Featured: Fokis


You may have remembered his track with Joell Ortiz from a few posts ago well I sat down with the big homie Fokis to talk about all sorts of randomness. Yes I said "randomness". This multi-talented emcee takes a refreshing approach to this and uses several different angles to give you diverse collection of songs. As well David Heredia does an amazing job at his artwork.illRoots.com: Thank you for sitting down with me today.
Fokis: No thank you brother.
illRoots.com: So how did you get your name?
Fokis: I was in a group and I was tired of being in various groups and people not sharing the same dedication. So one day I was like you have to be "Focused" and that was it gave birth to the name.
illRoots.com: Give me one song that could sum up your entire life?
Fokis: I don't know if I could do that, I'll have to plead the fifth because my life is very diverse.
illRoots.com: One song that you feel will bring about the most impact?
Fokis: Well I know the most recent track has to be "Can't You See" produced by Focus and thats a song that describes me but one that is going to make the biggest impact has to be the one I did with Joe Buddens and will be out on my album that is a very hot concept and will more than likely garner alot of attention.
illRoots.com: Give me a musical background?
Fokis: Well my parents are from the Dominican Republic so we have that Maringan type and all that mixed in. Basically I grew up with my older brothers DJing and breakdancing and just being a part of what they were doing. I decided to be a DJ when I was in early high school and I had to give that up because I couldn't keep up with the records. So I started rapping and from there I just went full steam ahead and picked up producing and engineering later on and all of those things made me the artist that I am today. Like I said producing definitely helped me as a rapper and so did engineering.
illRoots.com: One Good Book?
Fokis: "The Long Tale" and I've also been reading alot on how to market on the internet and have always thought that I knew the internet but I'm learning everyday.
illRoots.com: Give me your outtake on the election right now?
Fokis: Alot of people are definitely paying attention but at the end of the day its a funny thing you know because whoever you want to win doesn't even matter so I just kind of do what I have to do over the course of the day. Politics is a funny subject because we are all human and we can't really sit back depend on one person to take us to the promise land. This really has to be a whole concerted effort as a group. So Obama seems to definitely have a positive impact but there is going to be a ton of people against him. We have to unite in order to progress.
illRoots.com: How are you going to come out and market yourself differently to where your going to make a solid impact?
Fokis: Well heres the thing everything changes and I feel that music reverted back to when it first started. As far as me, I feel like you must have an angle now because there are a million rappers, and 5,000 of them are hot. If people are going right then I'm going left, I'm not necessarily a flash person but I like being different. If you are into this solely to make money you might be disappointed, but its grind time now you have to romance the fans. Nevermind the money if I'm a fan why should I spend time listening to you. You have to have something to offer.
illRoots.com: I think we need to move on from Tribe and De La's and let people grow as artists, let them move on. Those times were great but if we could progress then we can have our own golden era. I mean there is always going to be good and bad according to certain people and thats the balance.

Fokis: Always.
illRoots.com: The difference is just because the mainstream highlights certain types of hip-hop then people take that is whats hot right now when in reality no body watches TV so what's the use. The internet is the new streets.
Fokis: Its funny because the Long Tale speaks on that, and its like yes the industry is like that but at the same token how the hell was I going to be able get music in Japan ten years ago without having to physically mail something to them. The digital era has given birth to new genres now. As time goes on things will only grow and hopefully progress. Yea it sucks on one end but if you know how to hustle and business then you will make money.
illRoots.com: With the way image resonates in our culture would a blind pianist get a chance? Would we see Stevie or a Ray Charles?
Fokis: I honestly feel a Ray Charles would have more of a chance then a regular person because its a story and an angle because there is only one blind pianist and thats the story. Its a business driven industry but if you have an image to market and then the music then you will hopefully keep your audience once you get them. We must realize that the numbers are there except they are just spread out and ten years ago it was less talent and thus the numbers were closer together.
illRoots.com: Define yourself?
Fokis: Grinder, Grinder, very persistent and passionate about my music and I work my tail off and that pretty much sums it up and I'm going to work for everything I get.
illRoots.com: Your album production and features?
Fokis: I have an album out already called "More than One Way". I also have a free mixtape people can download on my myspace page which is myspace.com/fokis2k. The new album is Road to the Riches Vol.1 and its more of a soundtrack to the reality show and that album features Joe Buddens, Joell Ortiz, Deemi, DJ Absolut and production by DJ Absolut and local cats like the Hardy Boys, and that coming in like August and I have an EP coming in June with Punch from EMC and it will be a free download so definitely alot out and alot coming.
illRoots.com: Look out for more from the big homie Fokis, you know your welcome here anytime just wipe your feet before you stroll though.

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