Banksy's "Better Out Than In" Hits Bed Stuy

Source: UntappedCities

Masked street artist Banksy strikes again. This time, he takes his talents to Bed Stuy, New York. Portrayed as two Japanese ladies dressed in Kimonos on a water bridge, the stenciled spray paint image centers around the theme of "Better Out Than It". Since the beginning of October, Banksy has been leaving his mark all over New York with this quote in mind, "All pictures painted inside, in the studio, will never be as good as those done outside." - Paul Cezanne. On his website, the artists realized that New York is trying to catch him. However, the appreciation of the art form is still alive as he moves by shadows to fight for the culture he believes in. To follow Banksy's next move, check out his as well as searching the #banksyny hashtag on social media platforms.


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